What is the most important thing that your professional or personal journey has taught you so far?
That failure is part of the success, provided there is perseverance.
Which woman, public figure and/or style icon has influenced you the most, in which way, and why?
I aspire to my mum. Being raised by a strong woman makes you a strong woman.
What inspires you?
Travelling with good friends, creativity in the workplace, open minded people and learning about new culture are a continuous source of inspiration to me.

What is your life motto?
I believe that patience is a virtue. All things come to those who wait. In the meantime, be humane, be kind.
What do you believe is your greatest achievement?
Setting up and running our family business alongside my father and brother.
What is your biggest future dream?
During these trying ties there’s nothing I wish more than health for myself, my friends, my family and the whole world.