08 Apr #WomenFirst Melina Pyrgou What is the most important thing that your professional or personal journey has taught you so far? Be honest and true to your values...READ & SHOP
07 Apr #WomenFirst CHRISTIANA PALMIRIS What is the most important thing that your professional or personal journey has taught you so far? You get what you think you deserv...READ & SHOP
06 Apr #WomenFirst STALO MINA STYLIANOU What is the most important thing that your professional or personal journey has taught you so far? Being kind and approachable is ve...READ & SHOP
04 Apr #WomenFirst NIKI PATSALOSAVI What is the most important thing that your professional or personal journey has taught you so far? I am convinced that one should of...READ & SHOP
03 Apr #WomenFirst ELENA GHALANOS What is the most important thing that your professional or personal journey has taught you so far? That my targets can be achieved, ...READ & SHOP
02 Apr #WomenFirst NICOLETTA SYMEONIDOU What is the most important thing that your professional or personal journey has taught you so far? That failure is part of the succe...READ & SHOP
01 Apr #WomenFirst ANGELA DEMETRIOU What is the most important thing that your professional or personal journey has taught you so far? To have patience, gratefulness, t...READ & SHOP
30 Mar #WomenFirst ANDIA STYLIANOU What is the most important thing that your professional or personal journey has taught you so far? To be always kind because everyon...READ & SHOP
29 Mar #WomenFirst ALIKI IORDANOU What is the most important thing that your personal or professional journey has taught you so far? To trust no one but my own streng...READ & SHOP
28 Mar #WomenFirst TEREZA ELIADES What is the most important thing that your personal journey has taught you so far? To never give up, always look forward and accept ...READ & SHOP